Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ima - Imabong Udoh

1. People call you: Imabong, Ima, Ims, bongi,.... i guess everyone invents different names/ versions so etc

2. Artform(s): songwriting, acting, writing, sculpting, drawing, dance, among others

3. What chu doin in the festival this year?: poetry,.........

4. rock, paper or sistahz? choose and why: sistahz because it trumps all!

5. 3 things that come to mind about full figure: zero, cloud 9, beauty

6. 3 words that describe your artwork in rps:1) avant garde, 2) and 3) you have to come to find out :D

7. 3 favourite date locations: I don't date, I chill ;)
8. 3 ways to 'b current': other than constantly being bombarded with information that I sometimes don't need
1) by being the oh so fabulous Imabong :D 2) by being the oh so fabulous
3) am I beginning to sound like a broken record...??

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