Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ms. Brooksey (bold & beautiful) Nicole Brooks

Here is our next set of Thursday Three! Almost forgot...Starting withNicole Brooks who sang so well on Sunday at mothers d8.

1. People call you?

Usually Nicole - those who know me well and work closely with me call
me Brooksey

2. Artform(s)

Filmmaker - Playwright - Singer - Actor - wanna be dancer but will say
I can do movement fairly well...

3. What chu doin in the festival this year?

Presenting my first staged play entitled Obeah Opera
a piece that musically dabbles in the woes of womanhood and the mystical.

4. rock, paper or sistahz? choose and why.
All three I am usually the foundation or the 'rock' of the creation
that I put forth, I always have to pen to paper to make sure that it
happens and sistah because I am a woman, black and proud!

5. 3 things that come to mind about full figure

1) Not the norm but oh soo the norm, 2)well rounded physically,
spiritually and emotionally, 3) too sexy for words!

6. 3 words that describe your artwork in rps
1) Musically magikcal 2) spiritual uplifting 3) breathtaking
(oops that's 5 words isn't it?! You can work with this though right?)

7. 3 favourite date locations

Lakeshore Boardwalk
Home curled up watching a good indie or doc film
Anywhere good food is served!

8. 3 ways to 'b current'

Get out there and be active
support causes and performances

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