Thursday, May 7, 2009

t.pain (Tanya Pillay)

1. People call you?
-"t-pain" (spelling?), tan, HypnoSage, tea, t-bird.

2. Artform(s)

-actor who loves to sing & tries to dance
-the art of hypnosis

3. What chu doin in the festival this year?
-solo interactive tell-all "Biography Live"
-collaborative creation about identity with rAiz'n ensemble

4. rock, paper or sistahz? choose and why.
-paper, cause it's a great way to capture words, which can unite us all (including brothahz ;-)

5. 3 things that come to mind about full figure
-the necessity for different sized pants for all the different moon phases of my figure
-the many ways in which fullness is perfect (full moon, full fledged, full cream, full house)
-earning six figures!

6. 3 words that describe your artwork in rps

7. 3 favourite date locations
-a park bench at night
-pho phuong vietnamese restaurant, dundas @ brock. good, fast, cheap - a rare combination of all three.
-living room, blinds drawn!

8. 3 ways to 'b current'
-metro news and now magazine. i love both papers for their broad scope and great price.
-skim facebook home page for best posts from friends
-read our blogs! (raizn scene, bcurrent news)

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