Thursday, May 21, 2009

Isidra Cruz

1. People call you?

Isidra but some of my school friend still call me Sid.

2. Artform(s)

Textile, sculpture, mixed media and admin

3. What chu doin in the festival this year?

I have an installation, Insular Bones, and I am doing the festival set design.

4. rock, paper or sistahz? choose and why.

Paper because it is multi functional.

5. 3 things that come to mind about full figure


6. 3 words that describe your artwork in rps

Minimal, textured and open.

7. 3 favourite date locations

Really? This has nothing to do with me as an artist.

8. 3 ways to 'b current'

Blogging, reading the newspaper and keeping your eyes and ears open.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, do you have any idea where I can take your art on a date? Insular Bones is sexy!
